Legal assistance
We support our customers in suppressing attempts to counterfeit, usurp or infringe industrial and intellectual property rights. We place our expertise at the service of legal defence to safeguard invention and model patents, designs, trademarks, names and domain names, software and copyright.
We develop strategies for the international protection of intellectual property rights.
We support customers in deciding whether to undertake a manufacturing or business activity through searches and preliminary opinions (FTOs) on the validity or infringement of patents, models, trademarks and copyrights.
We perform due diligence on companies’ patent and trademark registration packages and on the ownership of inventions and innovations developed by collaborators and employees and relevant rights.
We respond in court to commercial disparagement, parasitic competition and dumping practices. We effectively counteract actions that aim to poach employees and collaborators.
We recommend effective preventive safeguards by instituting appropriate internal procedures and drafting specific contracts, including confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and non-competition agreements
We suggest the most suitable strategies to monitor the patent activity of client companies’ competitors and the international filing of similar trademarks in order to propose timely alternatives and avoid court actions.
We protect companies and consumers from misleading, unfair and comparative advertising in all its forms. We provide comprehensive assistance, from the evaluation of the advertising message to the initiation and management of proceedings before the Judicial Authority, the Advertising Self-Regulatory Jury and the Competition and Market Authority.
Contract drafting
We always remain at our customers’ side during key moments such as drafting, negotiating and concluding national and international contracts.
Specifically, we provide expert assistance throughout all stages during the assignment or licensing of patents, trademarks, designs, know-how and copyright, the negotiation of international distribution, franchising and merchandising agreements and, more generally, of any type of agreement that also concerns industrial and intellectual property and competition.
Registration and protection of intellectual property rights
Through the professionals of Apta – our technical-patent consultancy structure we support the client companies in all phases of the international registration of patents and trademarks, models (design) and copyright: from the verification of registrability to the actual release.
We carry out prior research to ascertain the possibility of filing or use an industrial property right, we manage – through our technical structure Apta – all the procedure of filing and granting patents, design and trademarks
Once granted, we ensure a continuous control to ensure its maintenance and prevent the registration of patents or similar trademarks.
Specialist training
The training courses are run by subject matter experts and are customised according to demand. They are organised at various levels, from generalist lectures to specialised seminars. They provide a comprehensive view of the discipline and insight into the concrete dynamics governing the registration, maintenance and protection of trademarks, patents and secret know-how. They also offer insights into confidential business knowledge, copyright, unfair competition and copyright protection.
Maximizing the right value of intellectual property assets
This also helps correctly grasp all activities related to the acquisition and selling of companies or company shareholdings, special management operations such as transfers of companies or company branches, company mergers and demergers.
The valorisation of industrial and intellectual property also becomes a crucial tool to optimise fiscal management, budget balances, financial choices and the rating assigned by credit institutions.